2019: True Crime NT – Murder et al
Poster and fabric design: Chips Mackinolty
Eve Ash, An update on Undercurrent: After 10 years in jail there is a turning tide in the Sue Neill-Fraser case Author bio
Andrew Boe, Appearing in your first murder trial – temporary madness or mere delusion?
Gabriel Chipkin, Strands in a cable: DNA reliance in circumstantial cases PowerPoint
Manny Conditsis, “INVOLUNTARINESS: R v Dean Waters – a Case Study”
Suzan Cox QC and Russell Goldflam, The Killing of Quinton Webb: From Huckitta to Hatton and back again
Craig Dunlop, Searching for Errol Morris – true crime journalism in the NT Author bio
Kirsten Edwards with Emma Sullivan and James Herrington, “Teacher’s Pet in the real world – evidence and tendency developments: Law v Podcast”
Elanor Fenge and Taranjeet Thandi, All Roads Lead to Alice (via Tennant) PowerPoint
George Georgiou J, From a Nagging Doubt Author bio
Felicity Graham, The Nauru 19 and the importance of pro bono PowerPoint Author bio
Graham Hiley J, Trial by peers? Aboriginality or lack thereof on NT juries PowerPoint
Dean Mildren AJ, The Trial of Bradley John Murdoch
Simon Moodie, A ‘reprehensible’ example of conflict of interest?
Trevor Moses, Special laws for murderers: parole, Kable and Twitter Author bio
Julian Murphy, Murder, Mercy and Mandatory Sentencing: The “Anomalous” Case of Zak Grieve PowerPoint Author bio
Clement Ng, Applying the Doli Incapax Principle in the Northern Territory: the Implications and the Way Forward?
Rory Pettit, “Should police Need a Warrant to Search Mobile Phones? A Changing Dynamic” PowerPoint
Rex Wild, “The Mistrial of Marie Antoinette, Paris, 1793” Introduction Script
Stephanie Zillman and Paul Morgan and Amy Williams, “What happened in Larrimah? The mysterious disappearance of Paddy Moriarty – a behind the scenes look at the making of a podcast”
The playreading