2015 Conference: Curing Injustice
Thalia Anthony and Will Crawford
Northern Territory Indigenous community sentencing mechanisms: an order for substantive equality
Peter Barr J
Advocacy – irritating aspects
Helena Blundell
CURING INJUSTICE – It’s harder than it looks! Solomon Islands: Law and Justice Developments and Challenges – Post RAMSI
Mary Chalmers
All’s Fair in Love and Law – relationship evidence
Barbara Etter
Miscarriages of Justice: What have we Learned (or not Learned!) 30 Years on from Chamberlain?
Eve Ash
JUSTICE HUNTERS: A strategy for change
Felicity Gerry QC and Suzan Cox QC
Felicity Gerry QC
Treating drug traffickers as human trafficked victims: The 20 days to try & save Mary Jane Veloso
Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking (powerpoint presentation)
Russell Goldflam
[2014] NTLimR
Felicity Graham
Fingerprints and Expert Identification Evidence: Markers of Unreliability (Paper)
Fingerprints and Expert Identification Evidence: Markers of Unreliability (Powerpoint presentation)
Graham Hiley J and Kate Bulling
Ethics and Etiquette (paper)
Ethics and Etiquette (powerpoint)
Jonathon Hunyor
Imprison me NT
Carly Ingles
Overflow: Why so many women in NT prisons?
Stephen Lawrence
Detention and prosecution of Australian captured insurgents in Afghanistan (paper)
Detention and prosecution of Australian captured insurgents in Afghanistan (powerpoint)
Georgia Lewer
Administrative law for criminal lawyers
Christopher Maxwell QC
Evidence Rules …OK?
Beth Morrisroe
Preventative detention and alcohol policy in the Northern Territory
David Morters
The Right to Silence
Ursula Noye
Blackstrikes A Study of the Racially Disparate Use of Peremptory Challenges by the Caddo Parish District Attorney’s office
(For more information, visit Blackstrikes.com, a Reprieve Australia initiative.)
Sue Oliver SM
When the Vulnerable Offend
Trevor Riley CJ
Introductory Remarks
Walter Sofronoff QC
Apologia for the Legal Profession (Keynote address)
Nicole Spicer
Civil Law Consequences for Criminal Law Clients
Sandra Wendlandt
Diversionary Programs in a Restorative Justice Framework
The CLANT Players present:
THE SHEARER’S TALE: Murder and Injustice in the Australian Bush
San Rocco: A non-secular patron for the Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory?
San Rocco was a 14th century ascetic who, despite his inherited wealth and position, set out as a mendicant pilgrim for Rome on the death of his parents in his twentieth year.
He arrived in Italy during an outbreak of the plague, and was “diligent” in treating and curing victims. He succumbed to the illness at Piacenza and was banished to a forest to die. He would have perished had not a dog found him, supplied him with bread and licked his wounds.
On his return to his home town of Montpellier he was arrested as a spy and jailed for five years where he languished without revealing his name, to avoid worldly glory.
He is invoked against the plague, and since that time he has been recognised as the patron saint of dogs, including of course CLANT’s Canis lupus dingo. For his fortitude in refusing to reveal his identity to authorities he is also recognised as the patron saint of the unjustly accused.
Image: A rare 21st century print inspired by the chiesa di san Rocco in Scigghiju, Calabria