2013 Conference: Victims of the System

Poster: Chips Mackinolty
Cocktails in the Garden
In Session
Dr Howard Bath
Vulnerability, Risk and Justice for Children and Young People in the Northern Territory
Jenny Blokland J
Unnecessary Suffering: Violence against Aboriginal women in the Northern Territory: A discussion of contemporary issues and possible ways forward
Suzan Cox QC
Judicial Bullying
David Heilpern SM
Section 138 Exclusion for Police Misconduct: Overtaken by “Execution of Duty”?
Sarah Huggett DCJ
Restorative Justice – Just for All?
Stephen Lawrence
Beyond Fernando
Tamzin Lee and Kelly Goodwin
’I want to drop those charges’ Aboriginal Women as victims of family violence
Dean Mildren RFD QC AC
Lawyers as Victims: a Romp through Literature and Politics
Lyma Nguyen
Representing Minority Victims in Genocide Trials (Paper)
Representing Minority Victims in Genocide Trials (Powerpoint)
Olav Nielssen
Problems with the Civil Commitmnt of Sex Offenders
Stephen Odgers SC (and Dr Mirko Bagaric)
The High Court on Crime (2011-2013)
Trevor Riley CJ
Victims of the System: a view from the Bench
Madeleine Rowley
The invisible client: people with cognitive impairments in the Northern Territory’s Court of Summary Jurisdiction
Melanie Schwartz and Chris Cunneen
A Cautious Approach to Justice Reinvestment
Jared Sharp
How can we bring culturally strengthening approaches into the NT Youth Justice System?
Sydney Tilmouth DCJ
The Wrong Direction – A case study and anatomy of successful Australian criminal appeals
Mark Thomas
Darwin Asylum Seeker Detainees
Jay Williams
The Nauru 10: The Habeas Corpus Challenge
Dr Frans Hendra Winarta (and McCullough Robertson Lawyers)
(1)Titus Ani
(2)International Law and the Death Row Phenomenon
Dina Yehia SC
Mandatory Sentencing of “People Smugglers” – Politics or Justice?
The play-reading
The Murder in Gun Alley – The Wrongful Conviction of Colin Ross