2011 Conference: Extremes in Justice

Poster: Col Wicking
Armitage, Libby
Bad Luck and Manslaughter
Asche, Austin Hon (AC QC)
The effectiveness, or otherwise, of cross examination: the good, the bad, & the horrible
Bleechmore, Ralph
Australian Crime Commission: Saviour or Star Chamber: playing the ACC game: recent developments: a practical defence guide
Coates, Richard
Law and Disorder in Aboriginal Communities 2011
Cuneen, Chris
The Australian Prison Project and the growth in Indigenous Imprisonment (Power Point Presentation)
Dwyer, Peggy (Dr)
Anunga in the New Century: How our criminal courts are interpreting the rules 35 years after R v Anunga
Goldflam, Russell
The White Elephant in the Room: Juries, Jury Arrays & Race
Green, G & McDonough, L
Sailing Into Unchartered Waters: Human Rights & People Smugglers
Hunyor, J & Swift, M
A judge short of a full bench: mental impairment & fitness to plead in the NT criminal legal system
McCrimmon, Les (Professor)
The UEA and the Anunga Rules: accomodation or annihilation
Marich, Martine (Dr), Grace, David (QC) and Holt, Saul
Unshackled punishment – the DPP’s campaign for tougher sentences in Victoria
Mildren, Dean (Justice)
Crown Appeals and Double Jeopardy
Okazaki, Ippei
Restorative Justice with the Ponki Mediators on the Tiwi Islands
Percy, Tom (QC)
Tougher Penalties: do they really work or is it time for a new approach
Peterson, Roland
The Defence of accident in Queensland: the one punch senario
Schwartz, Melanie
Old wine in a new bottle? Justice reinvestment and Indigenous over-imprisonment
Webb, Raelene (QC)
Judging the Judges: outside the Robing Room
Wild, Rex (QC)
Intervention, Interference or Invasion: The NT Emergency Response 4 Years On
NOTE: Glen Dooley was unable to to present. Rex Wild presented in his place.