2005 Conference: TRIAL & ERROR: Safety, Liberty or Terror
Blokland, Jenny (SM)
Territory Trials in Alternative Sentencing Models, the Credit Court (NT) and Community Orders
Boulten, Phillip
Australian Terror Laws in Action
Carter, Lachlan
Sentencing Children: some issues of Principle
Edney, Richard
Models of understanding Criminal Behaviour & the Sentencing Process – A Place for Criminological theory
Edwards, Kirsten
Don’t plead guilty yet: a practical science-free checklist to consider before you enter a plea in a DNA cold hit case
Grace, David (QC)
The Admissibility of Inculpatory & Exculpatory Statements
Lasry, Lex (QC)
US v David Hicks – Report of the Independent Legal Observer for the Law Council of Australia (Sept 2004)
McDonald, Colin (QC)
The republic is ours: the Indonesian response to the so-called war against Terrorism
Mildren, D (Justice)
Habeas Corpus and detention under the Migration Act 1958 and the Crimes Act 1914
Oliver, Sue & Fairall, Paul (Prof)
Finding Fault: Reform of the NT Criminal Code (Finding fault: Reform of the NT)
Percy, Tom (QC) & Papamatheos, AJ
Prisoner transfers law in Australia
Ross, David (QC)
Evidence of uncharged criminal acts
Rozencwajg, Charles (Magistrate)
Intervention or interference: descending into the arena
Tippett, Jon (QC)
Proper Assessment of Evidence and Political Interference in the Fact Finding Exercise – R v Chamberlain
Wild, Rex (QC) & Barnett, Anne
Managing the media in the criminl justice system: a case study