Save the date: Bali here we go again 22 – 29 June 2019
We are pleased to announce that the 17th biennial CLANT conference will take place from Saturday 22 June 2019 to Friday 29 June 2019 in Sanur, Bali.
Embracing the popular culture of crime podcasts, documentaries and dramatisations, CLANT brings you:
True Crime NT: Murder et al
This conference takes you behind the scenes and will introduce you to the major players in some of Australia and the NT’s most high profile cases.
Through practical based papers we will explore the legal skills, arguments and techniques that have helped to shape criminal jurisprudence and folklore.
This conference is a must for all who practice in criminal law, with a focus on developing practical skills to assist junior and senior advocates alike.
The key note address will be delivered by George Georgiou SC, a friend to the Territory and former CLANT committee member. Presently George is hard at work as lead defence counsel in the R v Eastman trial.
The conference promises to be our biggest yet and will host our usual events including the ever impressive ‘Bali players’ performing a new production, written and directed by life member Rex Wild QC.
Please save the dates, mark your diaries and book in your leave for what will be a fun, practical and educational week of networking amongst friends, colleagues and old sparring partners.
For all enquiries please contact Dee Berkley via email on