CLANT’s grants chance!

CLANT is cashed up and the Committee is eager to consider applications for financial assistance for projects, programs, causes or cases, provided they advance at least one of the following Objects and Purposes of the Association:

(a) to promote and advance the administration of the criminal justice system and development and improvement of criminal law throughout the Northern Territory;

(b) to promote the professional interests of members;

(c) to provide facilities and programs which will assist members in the professional practice;

(d) to actively contribute in public debates in issues relating to the criminal justice system;

(e) to liaise with other bodies concerned with issues of professional interest to members;

(f) to provide representation for members in relation to matters which affect the interest of members generally;

(g) to raise the profile of criminal lawyers in the Northern Territory;

(h) to represent the views of members to bodies and persons engaged in the administration of criminal justice and a review in development of criminal law, procedure and civil liberties;

(i) to promote the professional discourse, development and social interaction amongst the profession;

(j) to promote and encourage teaching and study of criminal law in the Northern Territory;

(k) to promote and encourage the protection of human rights and compliance with international human rights principles.

Funding proposals to the CLANT Secretary are requested by 31 August 2017.