2019 CLANT AGM: 22 November 2019

The 2019 CLANT AGM will be held at 4.45 pm (note change of time; brought forward from 5.15 pm to avoid clash with Battle of the Legal Bands) on Friday 22 November 2019 at the offices of NAAJA, 61 Smith St, Darwin City.

We will have AVL to the NAAJA offices at Katherine and Alice Springs so that our members throughout the Territory can attend.

Order of business:

    1. Confirmation of minutes of last AGM: draft Minutes of the 2018 AGM are here
    2. Treasurer’s report: Financial Report 2018/2019
    3. President’s report
    4. Special resolution re life membership of Russell Goldflam
    5. Any other business
    6. Election of committee

All CLANT members are cordially invited to attend or, if they are unable to do so, to vote by proxy.

Persons wishing to participate in the AGM who are not current members are encouraged to apply to join the Association or renew their membership prior to the AGM by emailing the CLANT Treasurer nicola.maccarron@legalaid.nt.gov.auand transferring $20 (the biennial membership fee) to:

Account name: Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory

BSB: 035-302

Account number: 69-0326

Membership applications and renewals will also be accepted at the door shortly prior to the commencement of the AGM. Please forward this email to prospective members within your networks.

For members who wish to participate in the AGM decision-making process, but who are unable to attend in person, please use this Proxy form.

For members who wish to nominate for a position on the 2019-21 CLANT Committee please use this Nomination Form.

Current nominees are:

  • President: Marty Aust
  • Vice-Presidents (up to 3 maximum) Tamzin Lee
  • Secretary/Public Officer: Sarah Gibbs
  • Treasurer: Nicola MacCarron
  • Committee Members (up to 10 maximum): Anneke Bossard, Mary Chalmers, Stephen Karpeles, James Stuchbery, Naomi Loudon, Shane McMaster, Ray Murphy
  • Immediate Past President (ex officio): Russell Goldflam

Following the meeting will we be heading to William Forster Chambers to enjoy the fantastic entertainment at their annual ‘Battle of the Legal Bands’ event.