1999 Conference: A Just New Century – or just a new century?


Poster: Chips Mackinolty

Conference Program 1999

Alkostar, Artidjo
The Fransisco Miranda Branco Case

Blokland, Jenny
Seriously sexy criminal trial practice?

Bradley, Hugh (CM)
Twelve Months in the Magistrates Court

Coates, Richard
Seriously sexy criminal trial practice?

Flatman, G (QC) & Bagaric, M
Accused Disclosure – measured response or abrogation of the presumption of innocence

Goldflam, Russell & Hunyor, Jonathon
Mandatory Sentencing & the concentration of powers

Grace, David (QC)
The High Court and Criminal Law: the last decade: a sign of things to come

Kirby, Michael (Justice)
The future of criminal law: some big issues

Lowndes, John(SM)
The Sentencing Act (NT) 1998 – Sentencing principles, purpose & orders
Part One
Part Two

Martin, Brian (Chief Justice)
Justice for the courts

Mason, Anthony (Sir)
Current issues in criminal law

McGregor, Alasdair
Musings on the magistrates or clots in the system

Melasecca, Rob
The truly reclaimable drug offender

Mildren, Dean (Justice)
Don’t give me L.I.P.

Morris, J & Fitzgerald, T
Restorative justice

Odgers, Stephen
Sentencing drug addicted offenders

Pallaras, Stephen
The Mickelberg Saga & the public purse

Parsons, Tony
Dealing with death: a theory of the bleeding obvious

Alkostar, Artijdjo
The Fransisco Miranda Branco Case & other trials under the subversion law

Flagman, Geoff (QC) & Bagaric, Mirko
Accused disclosure: measured response or abrogation of the presumption of innocence

Lowndes, John
Sentencing Act (NT) 1998 sentencing principles, purposes & orders