2009 Conference: Criminal Justice – Diagnosis Terminal?
2009 List of Attending Delegates
Aughterson, Ned
In search of extra territorial jurisdiction – following the Yellow Brick Road (Power Point)
Aughterson, Ned
In search of extra territorial jurisdiction – following the Yellow Brick Road (Paper)
Barker, Ian
A Geriatric Barrister’s Yearning for the Good Old Days
Bernardi, Gus
Alcohol & mitigation: will the Green can step forward
Charles, Chris
The state and territory cross border Justice scheme
Dodson, Patrick
Recognition & inclusiveness of all our diversity
Dooley, Glen
The thick Khaki wall: the intervention, operation themis and more of the same for Aboriginal people
Goldflam, Russell
Oh we’ve got some bloody good drinkers in the NT: the response of the criminal justice system to alcohol related harm in Central Australia
Gray, S (Author as confirmed by Program)
Far too little flogging: Chinese and the criminal justice system in the NT
Khuana, J Robert (Author as confirmed by Program)
Extraordinary legal remedy in Indonesia criminal legal system (analysis of death sentence)
Lasry, Lex (Hon Justice)
The same old lawyers guns and money: the life of a new judge in the criminal courts, is it better?
Okazaki, Ippei
Correctional Centre Conferencing (Power Point)
Pauling, Tom (QC)
Revisiting Anunga
Rozencwajg, Charlie (SM)
Case Management and assessement on the right to silence or modern realism
Swart, Leonique
Practical ethical decision making in Criminal Law
Schwartz, Melanie
Crisis to crime: the escalation of civil and family law issues to criminal matters in Aboriginal communities in NSW